Kathryn Streatfield

Kathryn Streatfield has lived in Yorkshire for 35 years including 20 in Croft-on-Tees. She now lives in Richmond (Yorks) and spends a lot of her time researching, writing and speaking. She enjoys meeting people and collecting their stories.

The incorporation of oral accounts within the context of researched history has made Croft’s Crossing a much richer book. The combination of the personal and local with wider historical trends is an approach Kathryn favours in bringing stories to life. Her next book will be the entertaining story of one character discovered during her Croft research and writing further biographically based work is a long-term interest, as well as creative non-fiction. Kathryn also enjoys speaking as well as writing.

Kathryn was born in Surrey, spent formative years in Bristol and Scotland and has also lived in Dorset, York and Leeds. She stopped work in 2020, leaving a career in IT and project management, and bought an e-bike, learned to swim and started to learn the piano. ‘Retired’ seems like the wrong word … . She also enjoys being involved in amateur theatre, helps organise a local book festival and does tour guiding at local historic sites. Whisky is also a long-term passion and she can’t resist a good bookshop.

Kathryn graduated MA in English Language and Literature from St Andrews University and received a PhD from Edinburgh University for research in seventeenth century literature, but she continues to learn every day. The world is endlessly fascinating!

Kathryn Streatfield at the launch of Crofts Crossing, 20th July 2024

Kathryn at the launch of Crofts Crossing on 20th July 2024

She will also be signing books at Darlington Central Library on 30 July and North Yorkshire Archives (Northallerton) early in September.

Katherine Streatfield

Books by Kathryn Streatfield