Roger West
Roger West is a writer and researcher who has written for various provincial newspapers, publications and county magazines for many years.
He has also worked with Mansfield 103.2 FM, Centre FM and BBC Radio Derby Sport as a football reporter, broadcaster, and co-commentator.
He is determined to keep alive the memory of King Coal and believes if we do not, then it will soon be forgotten by the generations of today and tomorrow.
In Red Blood for Black Gold, Roger sets out to do just that, to never forget a once great and proud coal mining industry.
“I was born in South Normanton, Derbyshire, in April 1949 and lived there for the first 26 years of my life. It was my home village then and, to some extent, it still is now. During those early years, and for some time after, I recall how coal warmed the village homes, kept the lights burning, and paid and paved the way for most family necessities.
So I thought maybe, just maybe, I should write a little about South Normanton and its role in the coal-mining industry. I hope you enjoy it.”
There’s many a pint of red blood been spilled for a shovelful of black gold.
Red Blood for Black Gold is available to pre-order ~ Launch Day 21st February 2025